martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


                                                                                                                  atardecer-cabo-de-la-vela.jpg Guajira- Colombia | Cabo de la vela ...
The Guajira desert is a tourist and exotic place where large coal reserves are exploited. Located in the extreme north of our country, Colombia.
The water is. It hides under the dry and arid sand this is a very visited place thanks to its diversity of desert landscapes that make its visitors enjoy a different panorama than the ordinary.
There we can find a very interesting ethnic group, the Wayuu, who, thanks to their customs and ways of life, seem to be a different world and hidden under an arid desert that survive by their way of sensors to the environment a little forgotten by the government of our country.
Colombia - Atardecer en el desierto de La Guajira. | Guajira ...
I think that my department is one of the most privileged thanks to its strong people and a warrior spirit that shows that despite their scarce survival resources they have maintained their culture. In addition to this, it has beautiful beaches similar to a paradise, its interesting beautiful sunsets that vary their diversity of colors.
I really enjoy when I refer to this subject with greatness and at the same time with fragility since some of its ecosystems are valued as intangible reserves by the Wayuu.
                                                                                                          Ordenan al Cerrejón proteger a los wayuus y al medio ambiente ...

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THE GUAJIRA DESERT                                                                                                                    The Gu...